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BBD Publishing

Art, Books, Conversation

Picture of Kameko - BBD Publishing's mascot

On October 6 from 8-11:30, October 7 from 8-12, October 14, 9-11:30 and October 15, 8-12, DJ Geribo (and Jim Fontaine on Oct 6 and Oct 14) will be presenting to the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students at Alton Central School, the Writing Process, from the first ideas when starting to write a book through the publication process and on to printing and marketing your book.

DJ will talk to the students about the process of writing her first novel, "The House at the Top of the Trees." Jim will explain the necessity of creating a website. The students will then ask questions and books will be available for a book signing.

This presentation coincides with the contest that DJ Geribo has publicized through the Gilman Library and through an article in the Baysider paper. The contest challenges each student to find a house that appears to be sitting at the top of the trees, which was DJ's inspiration for writing the book. Photos should be sent to BBD Publishing's email (contact) along with the location where the house was found. Three winners will receive an autographed copy of the book, "The House at the Top of the Trees", and will be announced at the Gilman Library on Nov. 22, 2014.
